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Read book Irish Lake Marvels : Mysteries, Legends and Lore in DOC, TXT, MOBI


Ireland is blessed with beautiful freshwater lakes, and while we might not have a superstar like Nessie swimming in its waters, we do have some pretty fearful creatures of our own. In this book John Dunne dives into various lakes, examining the creatures, myths and lore that exist therein. From the savage dobharchu (an otter-like monster) to evil witches; deformed kings to man-eating serpents; monster-battling saints to deadly magical wells, "Irish Lake Marvels" is the first book to deal with the fascinating legends, folktales and supernatural beings of Ireland's lakes. Going county-by-county in detailing these numerous stories, John Dunne demonstrates how anyone living in or visiting Ireland is more than likely familiar with any number of the lakes contained in the book - though probably not aware of the incredible tales associated with them. Ireland's history, folklore and legends have been widely documented and commented upon, but the large and fascinating amount of folklore and mysteries on Ireland's lakes has not been compiled. In "Irish Lake Marvels," John Dunne gathers these folkloric gems - and even monster-sightings - into one volume. Fun and informal in tone and with brilliant illustrations throughout, this book guides us through an Ireland as full of creatures, mysteries and sensational stories as it is full of water. The author includes the many points of interest, the origins of some of the more unusual place-names and the legends of lake monsters and the fighting men and saints who often fought them. ", Ireland is littered with lakes, and while the words lake monster' typically bring to mind a certain Scottish lake's famous inhabitant, most of us don't realize - or don't know - that Ireland has some lake monsters of its own! From weird legends of lakes' creations, to ferocious serpent- and otter-like monsters, to sword-wielding, fighting saints, Irish Lake Marvels is the first book to deal with the fascinating legends, folktales, and supernatural beings of Ireland's lakes. Going county-by-county in detailing these numerous stories, John Dunne demonstrates how anyone living in or visiting Ireland has most likely been to one of these legendary lakes., Irish Lake Marvels deals with the fascinating legends, folktales, and supernatural beings of Ireland's lakes., This book dives into Ireland's beautiful freshwater lakes, examining the creatures, myths and lore that exist therein.

Read John Dunne - Irish Lake Marvels : Mysteries, Legends and Lore in DOC, PDF

San Francisco Chronicle" "" Giffin knows a thing or two about writing a page turner.A man with rough hands locks a boy in a room with an albino ape.Each is accompanied by exclusive photographs by Nobby Clark the result is an intimate and often hilarious portrait of lives in the theatre.I fell in love with Scarlett and cried the kind of reading tears that slide down your temples and pool in your ears.There were stories told to Mary by her grandmother--stories about Mary Kelly and her affair with a prominent doctor by the name of John Williams, stories that she kept to herself until now.The stories are populated by scholars and courtesans, spirits and ghosts, Buddhist monks and nuns, pirates and emperors, and officials both virtuous and corrupt.It will arm you with practical, hands-on strategies and real-life examples from my experience as a parent and clinical psychologist that show the extraordinary power of being a conscious parent.Will she still be the quickest kid?Striving for dignity for all of them, she organised her colleagues and led a group that resolved to find a home where they could spend their last days in safety and warmth.In 2006, after twelve years of work, and with the support of Mexican intellectuals and artists, the government gave them a seventeenth-century mansion, where Carmen founded Casa Xochiquetzal - Casa X.The women of Casa X are at the bottom of the ladder of this world, and keep their memory of it in their bodies.